Textual description of copyright issues related to the use of the data. This should contain: a) Statements about the copyrights related to the data; b) Statements about the ownership of the data; c) Procedure needed to obtain permission to use the data for scientific purposes. Note that after following the copyright procedure and obtaining the right clearance it should be possible to use the posted data for publication in scientific journals. Dataset ID: grss_dfc_2013 Origin: University of Houston Procedure: The data sets are only avaiable for the scientific purposes of the 2013 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest. Materials can be used in scientific publications subject to IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Technical Committee approval on case-by-case basis. The data sets should be identifed/referenced in the article as "grss_dfc_2013". Example: [1] 2013 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest, Online: http://www.grss-ieee.org/community/technical-committees/data-fusion/ In the section "Acknowledgement", the University of Houston and GRSS-DFC should be acknowledged. Example: The authors would like to thank the Hyperspectral Image Analysis group and the NSF Funded Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) at the University of Houston for providing the data sets used in this study, and the IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Technical Committee for organizing the 2013 Data Fusion Contest.” Users may not distribute the dataset to others. Data and copyright information provided by: Prof. Saurabh Prasad University of Houston, USA E-mail: sprasad2@uh.edu